Music Fundamentals
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Module 1: Pitch
Guide to Module 1: Pitch
Intro to Notation
The Musical Alphabet
The Staff and Clefs
Mnemonics for Treble and Bass
1.01 ~ Note Naming: Treble Clef (Staff Only)
1.02 ~ Place Notes: Treble Clef (Staff Only)
1.03 ~ Note Naming: Bass Clef (Staff Only)
1.04 ~ Place Notes: Bass Clef (Staff Only)
Ledger Lines
1.05 ~ Note Naming: Treble Clef (1 Ledger)
1.06 ~ Note Naming: Bass Clef (1 Ledger)
The Grand Staff
1.07 ~ Note Naming: The Grand Staff
Module 2: Duration and Tempo
Basic Duration (Rhythm)
2.01 ~ Identify Durational Symbols
2.02 ~ Compare Basic Durations (No Rests or Dots)
Notating Silence: The Rest
2.03 ~ Identify Durational Symbols: Rests
Notating Stems, Flags, and Beams
Dots and Ties
The Grand Staff
Module 3: Putting Pitch and Rhythm Together
Pitch and Rhythm Review
Introduction to Chords